

The goal of the ModernPM Suite (hereinafter also simply ModernPM) is  to produce Value for the reference stakeholders, creating  quality Products and Services capable of solving their needs. This takes the form of the ability  to continuously adapt to changing conditions, from strategy to more operational aspects.

In order to govern this attitude, it is essential to define the bouquet of tools for governance and specific operations, a bouquet that can vary significantly according to the characteristics of the initiative and the relative constraints.

The pragmatic approach of the Suite leads to enter into the merits of things and appropriately evaluate which is the tool that best allows objectives. 


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The ModernPM suite is characterized by two main features:

  • Singularity, governance and development of time-bound initiatives
  • Continuum, governance and development of endless initiatives

The suite is distinguished by the 3Ps (hence the "P" in ModernPM) that specialize the generic concept of "Initiative":

  • Portfolio (attached to the Modern PfM) is a set of projectsprogramsand productsmanaged in an aggregate key to achieve strategic objectives. Unlike projects and programs, a portfolio is not necessarily a set of related works, but is a function of specific strategic business objectives. Portfolio management ensures that the projects, programs, and products developed are aligned with the organization's strategic goals and are executed efficiently.
  • Project (attached to the Modern PjM) has a well-defined beginning and end, responding, moreover, to the characteristic of uniqueness, as it is not routine but composed of a specific set of activities designed to achieve a single goal, often through people who do not work permanently together. At the end of a project, the team (or teams) is usually disbanded and members assigned to new projects. 
  • Product Oriented Development (attached to the Modern PdM) is an approach to developing new value for a specific market, which ends when the attached product(s) stop being in demand by the market. The teams, and the associated people, work continuously, guaranteeing a stable and constantly evolving intrinsic know-how. The Value Stream is the operating mode in the field of pure product-oriented development, i.e. not accompanied by a project-based logic.

modernpm suite flow

A mature and robust use of the ModernPM Suite requires the development of a broad knowledge of different approaches (knowledge), experience in their use (expertise) and an understanding of how they can help in the specific context (pragmatism), continuously experimenting with a view to continuously finding new options and solutions.

The core of the Suite is composed of 4 fundamental Pillars:

  • Mindset, i.e. the cultural aspect to be developed, in line with the philosophy and core aspects of the AgileConstellation Manifesto
  • Principles, which guide the operational focus, extending and integrating those of the AgileConstellation Manifesto
  • Practices, which allow the various activities to be concretely implemented, also here integrating and extending those of the AgileConstellation Manifesto
  • Toolkit, a set of tools to support the various governance and operational activities.

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The ModernPM is accompanied by the ModernPM Toolkit (MPMT), i.e. a set of methodological and operational tools that allow you to perform all the tasks in the best possible way, developed on 5 fundamental factors:

  • Context: the reference context is the fundamental driver in the choice of the appropriate lifecycles.
  • Metrics, the right metrics allow the team to validate the improvements achieved.
  • Roles, depending on the lifecycles identified, it is essential to identify and support the related roles.
  • Events, the specific events help the work team (or teams) to align in the different operational aspects.
  • Tools, for each lifecycle there are specific tools that help in the different management and operational phases.

mpm playbook pillars

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